We provide professional accounting outsourcing services, taxes, remuneration and audits, carried out by a multidisciplinary team.
We are on a constant path towards technological advances, focused on improving our processes and interaction with our clients.
We know how to protect our client`s assets. We have quality, timely, reliable and long-term relationships.

We are your better option

The accounting services of our company are based on the best market practices.


We have a highly qualified multidisciplinary team for the provision of services under the Outsourcing modality.


The audit services of our company are based on the implementation of the most modern methodologies and International standards.


We want to be your right arm in all your operations, that is why we have constant support for the various queries of our clients.


We are constantly reviewing our processes to provide the best service that our clients deserve.

Quality service

We put the best professionals at the service of our clients to provide a high quality service, we seek to stand out for what we do and how we do it.


We have a highly qualified multidisciplinary team for the provision of services under the Outsourcing modality (outsourcing of processes and services). Based on a correct understanding of our clients’ operations and the national and international regulatory framework, we guarantee operational excellence in the management and attention of delegated areas, allowing our clients to concentrate all their efforts on their business.


Our Human Capital

Our company has a multidisciplinary team of professionals who specialize in the areas of: Accounting, Taxes, Remunerations, Auditing and Consulting, this human capital allows us to advise companies, institutions, individual entrepreneurs, foundations, cooperatives, and other local entities and foreign, in the achievement of all its objectives.

Our blog

21 de March de 2023

Principales efectos sobre el Rechazo al Proyecto de Reforma Tributaria para el año 2023, Personas, Pymes y Grandes Empresas, enterate de todos los detalles acá:

6 de March de 2023

A contar del año 2023 se debe pagar un 2% de impuesto a los bienes de lujo, enterate de todos los detalles acá:

2 de January de 2023

A partir del 1 de enero de 2023 el Sueldo Minimo en Chile es de $ 410.000, entérate de todos los efectos acá: